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Elul and Teshuvah: A Season of Transformation

Wednesday, September 14, 2022 18 Elul 5782

7:30 PM - 8:30 PMon Zoom

Elul, the Hebrew month preceding the High Holidays, is a time for soul-searching and repentance. In our interactive session, we will explore the dynamics of teshuvah (repentance) in Biblical and Medieval sources and in the experiences of our own lives. Our study will also include an exploration of Elul rituals, the spiritual tool-kit we are given to work our way towards personal transformation. Together we will sing, sit, and deepen our experience of the power of the High Holidays.

Dorothy Richman:
Dorothy Richman serves as rabbi of Makor Or: Jewish Meditation and is Rabbi Emerita of Congregation Beth Sholom. She teaches Torah throughout the Bay Area and beyond. She is a soulful leader of traditional and creative ritual and released an album of original music called Something of Mine, available on Bandcamp. 

Virtual only. Free for members; $18 for non-members and guests; donations welcome

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